Making Of : Beach


Making Of : Beach
(2017, Skylight, Gallerie d’essai, Villa Arson, Nice) variable dimensions
Wooden table, wooden deckchair, chroma key screen, sawdust, grill, ceramic merguez, bluetooth speakers, spotlight, soundtrack 4’00’’

Making Of : Gym

Extract : Bodies, as shown during the exhibition Our Beautiful Laundrettes at Le Magasin (Marseille)

Making Of : Gym
(2017, Gallerie d’essai, Villa Arson, Nice),
variable dimensions
Clothes rail, hangers, leotards, motors, Arduino, distorting mirror, treadmill, blue flooring

Making Of : Dressing Room

Making Of : Dressing Room
(2017, Gallerie d’essai, Villa Arson, Nice)
variable dimensions
Dresses, wigs, sun glasses, high hell platform shoes, make up, mannequins, pink and blue neons, dressing table, clothes rail, motors

The first series of Making Of consists of three spaces that relate to a deserted film shoot: a dressing room, a chroma key set, a gym. In the absence of actors, these non-places come to life, becoming protagonists themselves. This series is conceived as the spatialization of spaces initially in 2D (the space «behind» a screen). In fact, the reading of the different scenes is built with long shots, zooms, tracking shots, panoramics ...